Here is a really neat site that has TONS of Catholic images, categorized by artist and subject: These images are all copyright free, so go ahead, feel free to copy/paste and use them to your heart's content!
If you are using a software program like Word or Works, it's a piece of cake to copy/paste and then run off copies. If you make double sided copies with a prayer on the back of the pictures, be sure to size the prayer and image properly so they will line up nicely. You could run these off on cardstock, and then the Juniors could cut them and/or decorate the fronts of the cards with lace or glitter or stickers or sequins, etc.
An alternative is to reuse old Christmas cards, Easter Cards, expired Catholic calendars, or old magazines, like Maria Legionis, or any Catholic soliticing "junk mail" which usually has images and greeting cards in them. Cut out the images and sew them to a piece of cloth or lace, as shown here:

Or attach them to paper doilies, for an old fashioned holy card lace look!
Or glue them to heavy stock with a ribbon "hanger" through them; or you could glue them onto index cards that are cut down to the proper size, and include a printed or hand-written prayer on the back. Construction paper, glitter, stickers, paint, glue, scissors, ribbons and laces are just a few items to use for this project!
Beautiful. Thank you. Each Christmas, we purchase an antique holy card of Baby Jesus on eBay and print copies on heavy photo paper or cardstock to send out in our Christmas cards. It is truly sending out His grace to many, I believe. I have a few old holy cards with paper lace, but I have not yet tried stitching or crocheting thread lace onto our own copies. It is a wonderful idea. These are beautiful (the ones in your photos). The circular ones remind me of hand-painted "Eucharistic wafer" style ornaments in an old European Christmas ornament book that I have. The ones you show here are just lovely.