When Junior Legionaries visit nursing homes, they are always attended by the Senior Legionaries, as in all work they do. What you do there is up to you!
The Juniors may visit room by room, taking the residents sacramentals such as rosaries, or holy cards they have made, or "thinking of you" cards, or other seasonal cards (Easter, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents Day, etc), made by the children. Giving these gifts usually opens up the way for conversations with the residents, who always love to see children.
The Juniors might also prepare a program of songs and prayers or attend a rosary with the residents gathered group. Combining their work with a Senior Legion group, the Juniors can be very helpful assiting the Senior Legionaries in gathering residents, distributing rosaries, and helping with prayers and song sheets.
After the first few visits, the Juniors become expert at this work. They learn by seeing how people age and what happens when we are unable to continue caring for ourselves in old age. This helps them gain both appreciation for this process and respect for the people in nursing homes. Juniors then know to always wear a smile and remember that they are "other Marys" or "Marios" serving and ministering to "other Jesuses" in the residents and everyone they meet!
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