You can either make the rosary out of all knots, or you can use beads and make knots between the decades and Our Father beads. Check out the video to see how easily it's made. This video mentions a group that sends the rosaries to the missions. This would be a wonderful work to send your group's rosaries off to the missions, or you can distribute them in nursing homes and schools and in your parish -- or give them to the Senior Legionaries to use in their work!

1. Here's a series of videos for step by step instructions for one type of nylon cord rosary with beads. You may use either knots or spacers between decades. Start by cutting a 60 inch piece of cord (or less if you are using spacers instead of knots). If you are not using the bonded cord, you will first need to apply clear nail polish on the ends and let it dry. This video uses #9 bonded nylon which is "stiff enough to use yet easy on the hands." How to make the barrel knot and add the first Our Father

2. Here is an alternate way of making it without the center piece: Cord Rosary with CenterKnot
3. Here is an ALL-Twine knotted nylon rosary which uses no beads, but 20 feet of twine. How to make a knot rosary. This young guy uses a thicker twine and uses his fingers to make the knots instead of the channel tool. Very cool looking, in my opinion.
4. Here's a video on how to make a one-decade chaplet--with full instruction on the knots and the cross, in Spanish: Como hacer un decanario
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