Pray for the relief of the Church Suffering.
I love this image--it is a perfect illustration of what goes on in each and every Mass: the entire Church joins together, the Church Triumphant (the saints who have made it to Heaven!), the Church Militant (that's us, still fighting the good fight!) and the Church Suffering (the Poor Souls in Purgatory). See how the Mass gives relief to the Poor Souls, like water poured over them by angels!
Here's a great spiritual work of mercy for Catholic youth and children to be HEROES for the holy suffering souls of Purgatory: The Purgatory Release Project! It would be a terrific thing for the Junior and Intermediate Legion of Mary groups to work on this for Lent or throughout the whole year! As the website explains, you start with a sheet that you print out from the website, and write in the goal of the Junior group, for how many Masses, rosaries, sacrifices they want to work toward. Then each member gets his own copy to record the sacrifices and prayers he makes each day. At the end of the year (or perhaps it is done only during Lent), the members all bring in their tally sheets and tally the whole praesidium's numbers together, record that information on the final report sheet, also on that website, and send it in to the Purgatory Release Project Association.
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